Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Momentary Break from Orientalism (And a Move from the Age of Steam to the Age of Diesel for that Matter)

It's been a while since I last posted here. Shame on me, as I was SUPPOSED to be sharing with you the finished entari.

But things got crazy here, and there was that election thing, which meant a day out for sewing and a few hours spent waiting in line and what not. Well, you know.

There was also a problem with the entari that previously reared its ugly head (hint: the trim) and it came back again, causing my very optimistic "I'll have it done in 24 hours" to become more of an "oh.... crap...."

But more on that in another post. Now we address our momentary break from Orientalism to bring you......

Yes, American Duchess is holding a pre-order for their T-strap Spectators, the 23 Skidoos!
These are great shoes, not only for costuming and reenactment, but even just for a regular night out on the town.

I own two pairs of American Duchess shoes myself, and they're wonderful. They're insanely comfortable, very reasonably priced, and they're so pretty! All these are hard to find in combination for historical footwear.

You know you want these shoes!
To purchase the 23 Skidoos, you can visit the American Duchess store here

To read more about the 23 Skidoos you can visit here.

To learn about the 23 Skidoo giveaway, you can visit here.

And finally, to read the American Duchess blog (which I highly suggest, as there's SO many pretty pictures and wonderful insights) you can click here

Now, I'm off to go wrangle the fuchsia monster into submission and have some coffee, because right now, I need it.

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